Our Publications
Barli Development Institute for
Rural Women Indore

"Barli Ki Duniya" the monthly
newsletter of the Institute is sent
free of cost to rural development
workers nationally and
internationally. Print editions are
also available for purchase.
Online edition :
Click on the image below to
download the latest edition of Barli
Ki Duniya

    The monthly newsletter Barli Ki Duniya is a source of information and contact for the
    past graduates of the Institute


    For more information on each of books and manuals listed below
    click on the picture of the cover opposite the text
its trainees several aspects of empowerment:

The health manual has been developed for imparting basic health
knowledge to tribal women and it has also been incorporated by state
government of Maharashtra as a health curriculum for it's anganwadi  
(mother and childcare) workers.

The Institute’s Cutting and Tailoring curriculum has been developed over
the period of more than  23  years. It has emerged out of a major
challenge that, there are a vast array of books on cutting and tailoring
available for the professional courses or aimed at a level of students who
have studied for many years in a school, but none written for the new

Barli's Literacy Manual has been developed over the period of more than
23 years. Literacy is an integral part of the training programme at the Barli
Institute, the priority target population are about 80% illiterate rural and
tribal women.

A holistic manual on empowering the women through building a balanced
personality is being developed , which is titled: "Developing myself and
my community". It aims at nurturing a holistic outlook of life, taking into
consideration all the three aspects viz: physical, mental and spiritual

It is therefore necessary to include a very strong component of literacy
training, firmly integrated with all the other training components of the